8 Habits That Make Me Highly Efficient and Effective as a Business Owner

Emily Whitish, Squarespace Expert, describing eight habits that streamlined her workflow and boosted efficiency in her private practice.

Ask anyone in my life, and they’ll tell you I am the Queen of Efficiency. I was born with a label maker in one hand and a checklist in the other. Seriously, if there's a way to organize, streamline, or automate something, I've probably tried it. Blame it on my Virgo tendencies, but I've always been a bit obsessed with efficiency. It's like I came out of the womb thinking, "Okay, let's optimize this birth process!" 😂

My strong drive for efficiency comes from avoiding spending too much time on the dull, tedious parts of business. Outside of my therapy sessions, I spend mere minutes each week on business-related tasks. No billing headaches, no endless phone calls, no never-ending to-do list haunting my dreams.

Private practice therapists often feel overwhelmed by managing case notes, emails, and ineffective marketing strategies, all while yearning for their dream of a successful private practice to come true. Believing that taking on a few more clients or catching up next week will solve the burden, these draining tasks lead to constant stress and feeling swamped. This cycle can lead therapists to lose connection with their passion, clients, and the original purpose of their practice.

I’ve learned that effective people don’t just hope things will work out; they assume success is within their control. I invite you to stop wasting mental energy worrying about what might happen to you and instead put all your effort into making things happen. Let’s take your business to the next level with these powerful strategies!

01. Give Everything a Purpose and Direction

I'm an ACT therapist, and we're big on values. I use my values to set career and practice goals every year. My goals cover money, marketing, service quality, productivity, mental and physical health, and more. Every aspect of my business is made by design - not by default.

When faced with challenges, I follow a straightforward decision-making process. I evaluate each situation by asking myself: 'Will this move me closer to my goal?' If the answer is yes, I proceed; if no, I don't. If you often find decision-making difficult, consider reflecting on your values and objectives to steer your choices. Clarity in decision-making comes from having a clear sense of purpose. Once you are clear on what truly matters to you, your decisions will naturally align with your goals.

02. Systemize Everything

I have a standard operating procedure for most tasks, like updating a business policy or completing my case notes. This way, I can follow a checklist instead of starting from scratch.

When I began my private practice, I created a worksheet to use during consultation calls. This tool helped me pinpoint potential issues that could result in working with clients who were not the right fit or failing to convert clients. As I continued to use and improve this worksheet, my client onboarding process became much more efficient. This not only benefitted me but was also appreciated by new clients.

03. No Repetitive Tasks

Doing the same thing over and over drives me nuts. So, I use technology and other aids to handle repetitive tasks. If I can't automate the job, I create a shortcut. If I can't make a shortcut, I find a whole new way to do it! For example, I use Simple Practice to automate every step of my scheduling, telehealth, and billing process, so I never have to touch it.

transform your efficiency and effectiveness as a business owner. Boost productivity, streamline tasks, and improve how you manage your business. Keywords: business efficiency, effective habits, productivity strategies, business owner.

04. Work With Your Brain, Not Against It

My training in health behavior change has come in handy because it taught me how my brain works. I know what my mind wants to avoid and how I can set myself up for success. For example, I have learned to focus on critical tasks first, keep distractions out of sight, break larger tasks into smaller steps, and reduce the number of steps or barriers involved in tasks. I also start each day with a plan and stack the mentally draining activities at the beginning of my day when I’m most alert and focused.

05. Get a Growth Mindset

I don't see business decisions as failures, just plot twists in the epic saga of my practice. For instance, when one of my policies flopped, I didn't wallow - I saw it as a learning opportunity and revamped my policy.

Also, acknowledge your progress and appreciate the journey! Owning a business isn't easy. All those micro-successes should be celebrated!

06. Get Support

Develop a strong support network of like-minded people to help you develop confidence and stay on track with your goals. I love teaming up with my out-of-the-box-thinking therapist friends. We have wildly entertaining brainstorming sessions.

07. Apply the One-touch Rule

You may have heard of the one-touch rule for home cleanliness and organization. I have a one-touch rule for my business. Nothing gets set down to be picked up later (unless picking it up again creates more efficiency). For example, I complete case notes during or immediately after therapy sessions rather than later. I open mail when it comes, file paperwork immediately, and tidy up my desk at the end of every day.

08. Blaze Your Own Trail!

Nobody ever got anywhere by doing the same old thing. If you want a practice that will meet your needs and keep you excited and engaged with the work for many years, you must always be open to new ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. When I started a no-cancellation policy for my business, I only knew one therapist who was doing it. It was scary, but it was one of the best things I could do for my practice.

Ultimately, becoming a highly efficient and effective private practitioner takes time and effort, but the payoff is worth it. With dedication and hard work, I have made huge strides in my practice and seen the rewards.


High Five Design Co

High Five Design Co. by Emily Whitish is a design and digital marketing company in Seattle, WA. I specialize in Website Templates for therapists, counselors, and coaches.


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